
Our church is built on the foundation of prayer.  We hope this prayer resource will help you on a daily basis as you walk with God.

Using Prayer Guides: A Brief Overview

Communicating with God doesn't need a fixed formula, but exploring varied prayer methods can deepen our bond. This guide offers diverse biblical prayer models. Instead of mastering all at once, pick one daily, progressing at your comfort level. No fixed sequence is required; linger on one if it resonates.

Begin by selecting today's model, concentrating on its approach, ensuring intentional prayers. If distracted, refocus using the model. This guide aims to make your prayer experience seamless, efficient, and pleasurable. Enhance it with notes, requests, and worship music. Commit to regular prayer encounters with God. The essence is to elevate the quality and joy of your prayers. Remember, prayer is a privilege, not an obligation.

A Prayer Lifestyle:

“...Jesus got up, left the house, and went off to a solitary place, where He prayed.” - MARK 1:35

For effective prayer, make it habitual. Emulate Jesus' earthbound example:

  1. Time: Like Jesus, allocate a fixed daily time for God.
  2. Place: Choose a specific, distraction-free zone for prayer.
  3. Plan: Jesus provided a prayer template – "The Lord's Prayer." This guide has this and more. Daily prayer can be diverse – incorporating music, scripture, or silent moments. Consistency in connecting with God is key.

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